Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

While Valentine's Day is a day that most people show their love to their significant other by buying flowers or chocolate for them or maybe taking them out on a romantic date or expressing their love through all the other means out there, it is not like this for everybody around the world. I found this out very quickly when we got to Pasay. A team of us went out for the soul purpose to witness and share the name of Jesus Christ with the pimps, prostitutes, and other people in the area.

You see, in Pasay, Valentine's Day is not just a day that people express their love to their significant is a BIG HUGE buisness day for pimps and prostitutes. They have hotels (called short hotels) specifically set up for people who want to engage in sexually immoral activities for 2 or 3 hours.

Our team stood in front of these places and all around them sharing the Gospel and preaching against sex before marriage, sex between boyfriend and girlfriends, and sex between boy-boy/girl-girl. It truely was a spiritual battle. But praise God we rattled some chains! Psalm 81:15 says 'those who hate the Lord will cringe before Him'. And they did! They did not like us messing up their business and way of life. We even had one pimp run us off...literally chasing us down. He was kicking doors and fuming with anger. I have heard many stories from pastors about demon possessed people, but I personally have never encountered this. Now I don't know if this pimp was demon possessed, but he definitely had a bad spirit about him. You could see the hatred in his eyes and in his actions. I wish I could really do justice in describing this moment but I can't. It was evil. It was probably one of the first times in my life that when I was witnessing, I was on my toes a little. But praise God for His protection and His strength!!

It was amazing as well to watch some of the people around could tell that they were at least thinking on what we were saying. One moment they were thinking about going into these hotels...then the next moment as they are listening to us and reading our signs, they turn around and go away.

God was at work! We had one guy on our team who even got to pray with some people.

Continue to pray for all the ones who recieved our tracks and heard the truth go out. God is already answering prayers as Derek has already recieved some texts from people who got our tracks. Continue to pray for me as I continue to seek to grow closer in my walk with God. Pray for our protection as we continue to go out to places like this.

1 comment:

  1. Josh,
    You are doing amazing things for the glory of God and I am so proud of you for answering God's call to go. It sounds like you are really enjoying your time over there and are giving it your all. I'm praying that God will place a hedge of protection around all of you so that you can minister in safety. I miss you friend!
