Friday, February 25, 2011

Take Joy In Our Trials?

I was really encouraged this week by a man that I met so I thought I would share it with you.

This past week, I believe Thursday, I got to meet a pastor friend of Derek's. We initially went to visit and pray for this man because he has cancer. However, I believe I was more encouraged by him than he was of us. This man was more joyful than any person I have ever met, especially for someone who has a life threatening illness. In fact, he was out visiting a member of his church who is paralyzed. He was still tending to his sheep even in the mist of his own illness, even in the mist of this big trial in his life.

How many times can you say about yourself that you were truly joyful in the mist of your trials? I think a lot of times what happens is that we find a way to rationalize that giving up and giving in is better than trusting God. Well, at least maybe easier, thus perceive it to be better. ( I know I have before) Don't get me wrong, it is hard when you go through trials, but as Christians we need to remember where our true joy comes from..Jesus Christ. Jesus never said the life of a Christian was going to be easy; in fact, He said we would go through trials. This pastor has in his mind that he is going to live for Christ no matter what. "To Live is Christ, To Die is Gain".  

I just encourage everyone who reads this, including myself, to have this mindset that no matter what...through it all...that it is all about giving glory to God. That nothing should stop us from praising God and giving thanks to Him for what He has already done for us! Like I said, this was an encouragement to me...a look in the mirror...and I hope it encourages you as well.

1 comment:

  1. This is definately an encouragement to me little bro. We should live joyfully because because being joyful has nothing to do with our circumstances but has everything to do with the fact that God through Christ has our circumstances in His hands. What a joy it is to know that yours and my life are in Christ's hands. Love ya!
