Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Journey Begins...

Well, I am one day away from heading to the Philippines where my home will be for the next 3 months.

People use the phrase " if you would have told me I would be doing this years ago, I would have said no way". As much as this phrase is used, I can honestly say it speaks of me at this moment of my life. I would have never imagined me going overseas period, more or less going for 3 months. It's not that I don't like traveling or flying, it's just that I never though about it. It wasn't something that I had always dreamed about doing. However, God has been working in my life and has given me this new passion for wanting and being willing to go other places in the world for His glory. And when I speak of "new passion", I really mean a passion that has been covered up by the things of this world; the American dream. As Christians, we all should have this passion in us for the dying world around us. So I thank God for allowing me to take part in this journey of my life, and I thank God for giving me the willingness to go.

While in the Philippines, I will working side by side with Derek Johns, a native of Eastman, Ga. There are several big events that will be taking place in the upcoming months and those details will come as they approach. But mostly on a day to day basis I will be in fellowship with other believers, studying the language, witnessing, and studying God's Word. Of course, I can't account for everything that will be taking place so I will send out prayers, events, and other things that come up along the journey.

Thanks to everyone who has supported me on this journey rather it was by finacial means or prayer...THANKS!! Continue to pray for my trip there and that God would rock my world while I'm there.


  1. Hey little brother...i am so excited that you have this opportunity to be salt and light for Christ in the Philippines. I will be praying for you continually! Love ya

  2. I am so excited for you, cuz! Make sure you keep us all updated. Be safe and know we love you!

    Erin and the rest of the bunch

  3. Well said, brother! May God unveil all of our eyes to the desperate needs of those around the world and around us every day. Someone once said, "wherever you are, be all there," so go full tilt and don't hold anything back. Know that we'll be supporting you from this end. Love ya'!

  4. We are praying for ur safe travel. Get ready for the challenging ministries bro.:)
