Friday, February 18, 2011

Public Outreach!

since our exciting day in pasay, we have been going out in other areas giving out tracks and spreading the gospel. we typically will be doing this every week lord willing. one place we went to is a college in indang where many of derek's youth go to school. we stood outside the front gates and passed out tracks that stressed that sex before marriage is a sin. (something obviously we need to do in america considering the amount of young people who get pregnant without being married) i don't know the exact amount we passed out, but it was a lot. and i feel like a majority of them really read our tracks. the other place we went to was another area called emus, which is basically a huge open market, so there were a lot of people there. this particular outing was the first time i actually had anyone stop and talk to me. i had one family who stopped who had just gotten back from california and wanted to know why i was here, so i got to share with them what i was doing. i pray that god will give me more opportunities! i also had a mulism come up to me to see what our tracks were about. he did not talk much though after i asked him if he knew who Jesus was. none the less, he got a track and i know if anybody can change his heart, it's God.

we had a lot of encouragement from some pastors and other people just walking by as well. it is always great to get encouragement! And then i had a group of young people stop to have a picture with me...what can i say? it is encouraging to know that i am known all over the world. (it's really not me, it's just because i am an amercian)

oh yeah, one thing that i started this week as well is my chores...yes, you read right..chores. no special treatment; and i would not expect it. i am like the big brother here. i clean and wash dishes. (this is normal for me, right?) :) really though, it has been a great time helping out around the ministry center and being a part of what God is doing here! 

continue to pray for us here as we continue our ministry and continue to share the gospel with more and more people every week.


  1. Chores, huh? Maybe we should've sent you over there before you came to live with us! hahahahaha I am praying for those sweet people over there with you doing chores! :) We hope they train you well to come back to the States! Ha!

    We love you and are praying for you!!!! Keep pressing on!

  2. I am reading these posts. I am excited how God is working in your life, taking you on an adventure and bringing you into contact with others for His glory.

  3. Yetcho, April and I are think about you and talking about you behind your back a little bit. Nothing bad of We are definitely lifting you up to God too. Thanks for making Jesus famous across the pond. Are you learning much of the language? Getting to know and hang out with unbelievers yet? Also, is there an address where we can send something to you? I know that may be difficult.
