Friday, April 8, 2011

Back From The Mountains

wow...where do i start...some much has happened the last few weeks. as you know, i was in montalban helping out with the ministry there. what a refreshing time it was...enjoying the mountains, nice weather, the quietness, and great company. I was able to take part in the Bible studies there, going to people's houses and sharing with them about God. Every week it was a joy to go to these houses and pray and read God's Word with them. We also went to a new area to pass out tracks and talk to people. We had some good responses...some were Christians and wanted to know if they could have Bible studies. God is great!

I had a lot of experiences, but one that impacting me was the walk up the mountain. our group walked maybe 20 minutes up a mountain to a member's house to pray. maybe i should say that again...we walked up a mountain to PRAY!! wow, what an encouragement to me that was and such a conviction. I confess, sometimes i have trouble praying in my own room, much less walk 20 minutes to do it. we need more of this in America! we need to be a people of prayer!  

another great experience i had was with the youth overnight. the youth there gather every Friday night and on this particular Friday when i happened to be there (thank you Lord) we spend the entire night without sleep praising God through songs, activities, and the reading of His Word. it was a great time to hang out with the youth there in montalban and really get to know them. Not only that, but i had many visitors come a talk to me and get to know me throughout my whole stay there. I will never be able to express how much that meant to me! that was one of the many highlights of my trip.

I thank God for the opportunity that He gave me to spend time with the montalban group. One thing that went through my mind last year when i came was that there was no time at all to really get to know the montalban group like we know the dasma group. we were so busy that it was hard to sit down and talk with them. so i am very thankful that i got to do that and now i have 20 plus new friends and family!

All in all, my experience was amazing! Thank you montalban for taking care of me and for making me so welcomed!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing how the Lord has given you this opportunity. I love you son.
