Monday, April 18, 2011

Enjoyment With Your People!

This past week since I have been back from the mountains, I have been a part of [through participating and teaching] youth Bible studies here. We gather to worship through song, reading His Word, and fellowship with other believers. It is truly some amazing time! Some of the leaders here have been doing a study through a book called "Cat and Dog Theology". I won't explain the whole study on here (it would take to long), but the thought behind it is this: The Dog says, "you shelter me, you feed me, you provide for me, You must be God" and the cat says, "you shelter me, you feed me, you provide for me, I must be God". We have been looking into every aspect of our lives and seeing if God is overflowing in every area, not just some. Are we God-centered or self-centered? It has been a good study.

I have also helped by speaking on "No Compromise". We looked into the life of Keith Green, a Radical (obedient) Christian in his time, who urged people to not compromise for the world. You are either all for God or you are not. Really an amazing story.

It has been a growing time with God!

This coming Thursday, we will have group of us here going to a "Catholic parade"...basically, a day that Catholics from all over go to this idol to see it and worship it. Big event! We are going to preach the Gospel to these people on the street for 12 hours straight, through the night. We will be right in the middle of the action! So please pray for our protection, that God would work through us, and that lives would come to Him through our obedience and His power. Also, pray for next week as we will be having our big youth retreat. We will be having different topics throughout the week, public ministry, activities, and worship. Pray that every youth's heart is open to hear God and that everything would go smoothly. Pray for the speakers as well: Derek, Jec, Richard, Agnes, Lean, and myself; pray that we would be prepared and ready for God to use us.

1 comment:

  1. I think your brother is having withdrawls. We love you and are praying for your continued time over there! We are looking forward to having you home though!
