Thursday, March 17, 2011

going to the mountains

starting this sunday i will be in montalban for the next two weeks helping out with the ministry there. as some of you know, montalban is another area where world christian fellowship has planted a church and is led by pastor mandy. while i am in montalban, i will have little opportunity to use a computer so i will most likely not update anymore on my blog or facebook for the next two weeks. i will give updates when i return. please pray for us there as we minister to the people in that area as well as other areas around it. pray also for the church itself as it continues to grow.


  1. Praying for you Josh! Love ya!

  2. I can hardly wait until I hear about your experiences in Montalban. You are always in my prayers son.

  3. Love & miss you!!!!!! We are praying for you!
