Sunday, May 1, 2011

Youth Retreat In The Philippines!!

God gave me one of the most amazing weeks ever! For the past week, I was able to take part (in many ways) in the youth retreat that World Christian Fellowship has every year. It was busy, but it was amazing! I will not describe every little topic or thing that took place because I am terrible at writing. But during the whole week, the topics were centered around giving God every room in our house. Our lives is like a house and if we claim to be children of God, then God requires that we give Him everything. Not a little, not some, not most..but all! Some many times, Christians give God some of the things in their lives while holding on to others. They give Him the keys to some of their "rooms", but keep the doors lock to others. Everyone was encouraged to be honest with God and with one another asking the question...Have we really given everything to God? We had some good sharing time. And I strongly encourage everyone who reads this to ask yourself that question too! Too many times we get questions like this and think to ourselves "oh yeah, of course I have given God everything..." But a lot of times what that means is "I do not have time to answer that question. or I do not really want to see the answer to that question". Be honest before God! He already knows anyway.

We also did some public ministry in an area that the group had not been to. We had around 50+ youth on the streets preaching and passing out tracts. Wow! And I am talking about within an area the size of downtown Eastman. We basically invaded that town with the Gospel.

Apart from the main focus of the youth retreat...I had an awesome time hanging out with all the youth (from dasma and montalban together). We were like one big family! We all got to swim (first time swimming in the philippines...same experience but better just because I am in the philippines) in the pool there and play games and just bond together. It was great! Memories I will never forget.

And so as many of you know who are keeping up with it...I am down to my last week here. And to say that I am sad and that it will hard to leave is an understatement. But I know God is good! I read Psalm 112 today and in verse 7 it says " He will not fear bad news; his heart is confident, trusting in the Lord." For me, it may be hard for me to go back, but I know God is faithful and that if it is His will...He will let me see them all again. It may be in a year or 10 years. But in that wait I find joy in Christ! Pressing on!

1 comment:

  1. I am sure this is just the beginning of what God has in store for you son. I thank God every day for my sons.
