Thursday, March 17, 2011

going to the mountains

starting this sunday i will be in montalban for the next two weeks helping out with the ministry there. as some of you know, montalban is another area where world christian fellowship has planted a church and is led by pastor mandy. while i am in montalban, i will have little opportunity to use a computer so i will most likely not update anymore on my blog or facebook for the next two weeks. i will give updates when i return. please pray for us there as we minister to the people in that area as well as other areas around it. pray also for the church itself as it continues to grow.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


These last couple of weeks, we have been going out to different areas and preaching and giving out tracks. Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, we are in the field talking to people and sharing the gospel. Some of the places we have gone though have been harder for me personally because we would stand out in the streets without much interaction. Now, not all the areas were like this, but there were times where it just seemed like we were giving out tracks and preaching and no one was one was paying any attention to us. There were even a couple places we went to where it seemed like no one got even a track from us. (For those who don't know about how we do tracks here, we don't go around forcing them into people's hands...we hold them out and if someone wants it they will make the effort themselves. The thought behind this is if someone takes it on their own then they are more likely to read it) But through all of this, and it's always a topic within the team here, is how we need to stay faithful in going out and sharing the gospel to everybody no matter if sometimes it feels like nothing is getting accomplished. It can be hard to continue when times like this occur. But if we stay faithful in spreading the gospel, God is faithful in growing those seeds!

I have really settled in now with my family here. I join with them in prayer meetings and outings and it has been a blessing. It is amazing to be in fellowship with brothers and sisters across the world and to be a part of what God is doing here.

Continue to pray for the ministry here and for all the people we come across sharing the gospel with. We also have a huge youth gathering I think at the end of April so please be in prayer for that.